aa bulgaria

Bulgaria 1958 Nesebùr,Holydays Resorts Scott 990-93 Michel 1047-50 Yvert 908-11 Gibbons 1085-88


Bulgaria 1965 E 4980 ostrov Bolshevik Scott 1437 Michel 1557 Yvert 1363 Gibbons 1551


Bulgaria 1968 E 5012 Nos Kaliakra Scott 1686 Michel 1802-09 Yvert 1623 Gibbons 1800


Bulgaria 1978 E 5005 Vama Scott 2517 Michel 2700 Yvert 2405 Gibbons 2670


Bulgaria 1988 Presquile de l'Amiraute Scott 3357 Michel 3685 Yvert Gibbons 3548


Bulgaria 2001 Lighthouse Scott 4198 Michel 4533-34 Yvert Gibbons 4378


Bulgaria 2006 Lghthouse Scott4198-99 Michel 4533-4 xCS Yvert Gibbons 4378-79


Bulgaria 2013 International Philatelic Salon "Sofia 2013".Scott. Michel BL 376Yvert Gibbons issue 2013



Lighthouses minisheet of 2 stamps and 2 complements the two stamps first issued in 2001 together .